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How to Contribute to this Project

If you are interested in contributing to this project, please read our general DSP contribution guidelines first.

Structure of this Project

This project consists of two main parts:

  1. The Angular library DSP-UI (@dasch-swiss/dsp-ui) in project/dsp-ui.
  2. The demo Angular Application (Playground) in src/app.

The Angular library contains the code that is published on NPM. The demo Angular application's purpose is to demonstrate the library's functionality. The library needs to be built first in order to use it within the demo application.

The demo application uses the locally built version of @dasch-swiss/dsp-ui which is configured in tsconfig.json (compilerOptions.paths), see Angular docs.



Angular requires a current, active LTS, or maintenance LTS version of Node.js.

We recommend using n, a tool that installs and manages Node.js versions on your local system.

NPM package manager

Angular requires the npm package manager.


The demo application requires a running instance of DSP-API (Knora) compatible with the version defined in API_VERSION := v13.12.0

First Steps

Clone this repository:

git clone

Install the dependencies with:

npm install

Build the library with:

npm run build-lib

Run the demo application:

ng s

And access http://localhost:4200 in your browser.

Scripts For Development

The following scripts can be used for development:


  • npm test: runs the unit tests of the demo application and the lib's unit tests.
  • npm test-lib: runs the lib's unit tests in headless mode (no browser UI).
  • npm test-lib-local: runs the lib's unit test with the browser UI (for local development of the lib).
  • npm run webdriver-update: installs Chrome webdriver in the required version for the E2E tests.
  • npm run e2e: runs the E2E tests from the demo application, see section Unit Tests and E2E Tests.


  • npm run build-lib: builds the lib in productive mode
  • npm run build-lib-dev: builds the lib in development mode
  • npm build-app: builds the demo application in productive mode
  • npm run yalc-publish-lib: builds the lib and publishes it locally using yalc.

Library Build Options

The library is built in productive mode for publication, using

To perform additional checks during development, the library can be built in development mode, using tsconfig.lib.json. Development builds use Ivy and perform strict template checks.

Unit Tests and E2E Tests

There are unit tests for the lib (projects/dsp-ui/src) and some basic unit tests for the demo application playground components (src/app).

The E2E tests have to be run from the demo application. Unlike the unit tests, they require a running instance of DSP-API compatible with the release specified in API_VERSION := v13.12.0

Before running the E2E tests, reload the data in DSP-API's db. The E2E tests can be run as follows:

  • npm run webdriver-update
  • npm run e2e

DSP-UI Library Developement

Adding New Components etc. to the Library

Install Angular CLI globally:

 npm install -g @angular/cli

To add additional components etc. to a module of the library, run:

ng generate component [path/in/the/module/][name-of-component] --project @dasch-swiss/dsp-ui

For example, to create a new component test in the action module, run:

ng generate component action/test --project @dasch-swiss/dsp-ui

This command will create a folder called test inside of projects/dsp-ui/src/lib/action/ containing the component's class, template, style, and spec files.

Before testing the new component inside of the demo app, you have to rebuild it after each change:

npm run build-lib

Alternatively, you can use Live Reloading.

Demo Application (Playground)

Adding New Component to the Demo Application

The demo app demonstrates the functionality of dsp-ui-lib's modules. By default, the demo app's main component routes to the page demonstrating the resource viewer in read mode.

Before adding a new component to the demo app, check if the desired demo could be added to an existing component of the demo app.

Follow these steps to add a new component to the demo app:

  • create a new component in the demo app:
  • create a new component using Angular CLI in src/app
  • demonstrate a part of dsp-ui-lib (component, service etc.) in the new component of the demo app
  • in AppRoutingModule and AppComponent's template, set up the routing for your new component in the demo app.

Run the Application Locally in Dev Mode With Live Reloading

To make changes to the DSP-UI and have your changes reflected immediately upon saving, follow these steps:

  • run npm run build-watchful-lib-dev from the project root directory.
  • open a new tab and run npm run start from the project root directory.
  • Or if you want to connect to the DSP-API on our test server run ng serve --configuration=test-server or npm run start-with-test-server. Please consider which version of DSP-API is currently running on the test server (see webapi: Please note that this option is suitable when working on viewer or search module. In some cases like /read, /modify, etc. it doesn't work because it has an automatic login for the root user, which is locked on the test server.
  • now, anytime you make a change to DSP-UI and save, the library will be re-built and the webpage will refresh and you will see the changes.

Run the Application in Productive Mode

To simulate a production environment, the application should be built with optimization and served locally (not in dev mode, but from a local web server).

  • Install nginx on your system, e.g. brew install nginx for mac OS. Check the documentation for more information.
  • Create a configuration file for the test application. The example defines a configuration file /usr/local/etc/nginx/servers/dspuiapp.conf for macOS. Substitute $abs_path_to_lib with the actual absolute path on your system pointing to the project root. Substitute $dsp-ui_folder_name with the folder name of the app build in dist.
    server {
            listen 8090;
            server_name dspuiapp.local;
            root /$abs_path_to_lib/dist/$dsp-ui_folder_name;

            location / {
                        try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

        access_log /usr/local/etc/nginx/logs/dspuiapp.local.access.log;
  • Add an entry to your /etc/hosts: dspuiapp.local
  • Create an empty file dspuiapp.local.access.log in /usr/local/etc/nginx/logs (you might have to create the folder logs first)
  • Start nginx (if nginx is already running, stop it first: nginx: nginx -s stop)
  • Build the library: npm run build-lib
  • Build the test app with optimization: npm run build-app
  • Access it via http://dspuiapp.local:8090

Build and Run the Application in Docker

To build and run the application in Docker, do the following:

  1. docker build --tag app:0.1 . (you can use any tag name you want)
  2. docker run -v ~/localdir/ --publish 4200:4200 --detach --name myname app:0.1

The first step builds the lib and app in Docker. Make sure to delete the contents of the dist folder on your local system first.

The second step runs a container based on the image built in the previous step:

  • -v mounts a config file from your local file system in the Docker container, so you can set the config.
  • --publish maps the port on your local machine to the port in the Docker container.

You can now access the app on your local machine under http://localhost:4200/.

Architecture of the Library

See design documentation.

Local Publishing of DSP-UI

The demo application uses the locally built version of DSP-UI, see the repository's structure.

If you want to install an unpublished version of DSP-UI in your Angular application, you can use yalc. yalc publishes DSP-UI to a local store.

Install yalc:

npm install yalc -g

Build the library and publish it to the local store:

npm run build-app
npm run yalc-publish-lib

Add the local build your Angular application:

yalc add @dasch-swiss/dsp-ui
npm install

To remove it from your project and restore package.json, run:

yalc remove --all

Publish a New Version of the Library to NPM

Please follow the general DSP documentation about the release process: prepare and publish.

Before publishing:

  • Update documentation if necessary and commit the changes

  • Be sure that all dependencies to DSP-JS-LIB and DSP-API are set to the correct version:

  • Update DSP-API version in
  • Update DSP-JS version in package.json and run npm install to update the package-lock.json
  • Update DSP-JS version in section peerDependencies of projects/dsp-ui/package.json

A new version will be published with each github release as it's part of github actions' workflow. To make a new release, you have to merge the open release PR as described here.

The new package will be available on

Last update: 2021-08-13