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Getting started


To use this library in your Angular app, install it from NPM:

npm install @dasch-swiss/dsp-ui


This library has the following peer dependencies, which you also have to meet:

Supported DSP-API Version

The library is compatible with the DSP-API version defined in API_VERSION := v13.12.0

The DSP-UI library supports runtime configuration. The configuration is loaded when your Angular application starts.

In your Angular project, create the file inside src/config/:

  "apiProtocol": "http",
  "apiHost": "",
  "apiPort": 3333,
  "apiPath": "",
  "jsonWebToken": "",
  "logErrors": true,
  "sipiUrl": "",
  "geonameToken": "token"

Likewise, create a file with logErrors set to false. The configuration files are needed to establish a connection to DSP-API.

Create the property name in src/environments/environment.ts and set it to "dev":

export const environment = {
  name: 'dev', // <-- this env. will load     
  production: false

In src/environments/

export const environment = {
  name: 'prod', // <-- this env. will load
  production: true

Depending on the build options (dev or prod), the environment and configuration are chosen.

The config files have to be integrated in angular.json in the "assets" section:

"assets": [
    "src/config"    <-- add the config directory here

Define the following three factory providers in your application's app.module.ts:

  1. Provide a function that calls AppInitService's method Init and returns its return value which is a Promise. Angular waits for this Promise to be resolved. The Promise will be resolved once the configuration file has been fetched and its contents have been assigned.
  2. Get the KnoraApiConfig instance from the AppInitService instance and provide it as DspApiConfigToken.
  3. Create a KnoraApiConnection instance with the config and provide it as DspApiConnectionToken.

Provide it in the main module and include the desired DSP-UI modules in the imports:

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    DspCoreModule,      // <-- add the dsp-ui modules here
  providers: [
     // 1.
      provide: APP_INITIALIZER, // see
      useFactory: (appInitService: AppInitService) =>
                      (): Promise<any> => {
                          return appInitService.Init('config', environment);
      deps: [AppInitService], // depends on AppInitService
      multi: true
    // 2.
      provide: DspApiConfigToken,
      // return the instance of KnoraApiConfig provided by AppInitService  
      useFactory: (appInitService: AppInitService) => appInitService.dspApiConfig,
      deps: [AppInitService] // depends on AppInitService
    // 3.
      provide: DspApiConnectionToken,
      // create and return an instance of KnoraApiConnection
      useFactory: (appInitService: AppInitService) => new KnoraApiConnection(appInitService.dspApiConfig),
      deps: [AppInitService] // depends on AppInitService
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

The contents of the configuration can be accessed via AppInitServices member config. Just inject AppInitService in your service's or component's constructor.

The library needs a global styling in the app to override some material design rules. If you're using Angular CLI, this is as simple as including one line in your styles.scss file:

@import '@dasch-swiss/dsp-ui/src/assets/style/dsp-ui.scss';

Alternatively, you can just reference the file directly. This would look something like:

<link href="node_modules/@dasch-swiss/dsp-ui/assets/style/dsp-ui.scss" rel="stylesheet">


Add the desired modules from DSP-UI to the app.module.ts. Always import DspCoreModule.

  declarations: [
  imports: [
    DspCoreModule        // <-- add the dsp-ui core module here
  providers: [ ... ]    // <-- add providers as mentioned in section above
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Last update: 2021-08-13