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Provisional Data Model


This document does not represent the current state of the metadata model.
It is a working document for planned upcoming changes to the metadata model.


This model is an idealized version of the metadata model. With the current implementation that is entirely separate from the DSP, it is not feasible to implement metadata on the record level.
Such a system may be implemented in the archive in the future, but for now, we will keep the metadata on the dataset level.
A separate, simplified model for applying some of these changes, while remaining compatible with the current implementation, should be created alongside this model.


The metadata model is a hierarchical structure of metadata elements.

flowchart TD
    hyper-project[Umbrella Project] -->|1-n| project[Research Project]
    project -->|1-n| dataset[Dataset]
    dataset -->|1-n| record[Record /<br/>Resource]
    project -->|0-n| collection[Collection]
    collection --> collection
    hyper-project -->|0-n| collection
    collection --> record
  • A Umbrella Project is optional and collects one or more Research Projects.
    It is typically of institutional nature, not directly tied to a specific funding grant, and may be long-lived.
    Examples are EKWS/CAS, BEOL or LIMC.
  • A Research Project is the main entity of the metadata model.
    It corresponds to a project in the DSP. It is typically tied to a specific funding grant, and hence has a limited lifetime of ~3-5 years; multiple funding rounds and a longer lifetime are possible.
    A Research Project is part of 0-1 Umbrella Project, it has 1-n Datasets and 0-n Collections.
  • A Dataset is a collection of Records within a Research Project.
    It is mostly meant for system-internal and technical use, and should not have particular semantics or a "historical meaning" in the context of the project.
    A Dataset is part of exactly 1 Research Project and contains 1-n Records.
  • A Collection is also a collection of Records within a Research Project.
    It is meant for semantic grouping of Records within a Research Project, and may have a "historical meaning" in the context of the project.
    Examples may be physical collections such as p person's "Nachlass" in an archive, or groupings of records based on a specific research question within a project.
    A Collection is part of at least 1 Research Project, Umbrella Project or Collection, but can be part of multiple. It may either contain 0-n Collections or 1-n Records.
  • A Record is a single resource within a Dataset.
    It represents a single entity, and the smallest unit that can meaningfully have an identifier. It maps to a knora-base:Resource (DSP-API) or an Asset (SIPI/Ingest) in the DSP.
    A Record is part of exactly 1 Dataset and may be part of 0-n Collections.

Additionally, there are the entities Person and Organization:
Person and Organization are entities that are independent of the Research Project hierarchy, and may be related to various entities within the hierarchy.

Top Level

A set of metadata consists of the following top-level elements:

  • Umbrella Project
  • Project
  • Dataset
  • Collection
  • Record
  • Person
  • Organization

Each of these elements is an entity identified by a unique identifier. Other elements can refer to these entities by their identifier.

Any other metadata element may itself be a complex object, but it is always part of one of the top-level elements. Such elements do not have an identifier, but are identified by their position in the hierarchy.

Field Type Cardinality
$schema string 0-1
umbrellaProject umbrellaProject 0-1
project project 1
datasets dataset[] 1-n
collections collection[] 0-n
records record[] 0-n
persons person[] 0-n
organizations organization[] 0-n


Do we consider "permissions" as metadata?
(Not as they are in the DSP, but as they will be in the archive; that is: "open", "restricted", "embargo", "metadata only".)
If so, this should be added on each level, I suppose.


Entity Types

Unbrella Project

Field Type Card. Restrictions
__id string 1
__type string 1 Literal 'UmbrellaProject'
name string 1
projects id[] 1-n String containing the identifier of a project
description lang_string 0-1
alternativeNames lang_string[] 0-n
url url 0-1
contactPoint id 0-1 String containing the identifier of a person or organization
institutionalPartner id[] 0-n String containing the identifier of an organization


This opens up the questions of how to deal with multiple projects in a umbrella project. We probably want to keep one entry per project, so this leaves us with either duplicating the umbrella project metadata for each project, or having umbrella project metadata separately and only linking it from the project. The latter seems preferable, but then the question arises who gets to edit the umbrella project metadata.
For a first implementation, we could simply duplicate the metadata for each project, and later factor it out.


what is the best name for institutionalPartner?
AI suggested:
- Affiliated Institution
- Associated Body
- Supporting Organization
- Institutional Partner


How do we capture the time aspect of the data provenance and genesis in this context? Should this be here?
Concretely, an umbrella project is often like a "timeline" of projects, or the "history" of a series of projects.

To make the model of this entity as flexible as possible, most of the fields are optional.


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions
__type string 1 Literal "Project"
shortcode string 1 4 char hexadecimal
status string 1 Literal "Ongoing" or "Finished"
name string 1
description lang_string 1
startDate date 1 String of format "YYYY-MM-DD"
teaserText string 1
url url 1
howToCite string 1
datasets id[] 1-n String containing the identifier of a dataset
keywords lang_string[] 1-n
disciplines lang_string / url[] 1-n
temporalCoverage lang_string / url[] 1-n
spatialCoverage url[] 1-n
funders id[] 1-n String containing the identifier of a person or organization
attributions attribution[] 1-n
endDate date 0-1 String of format "YYYY-MM-DD"
secondaryURL url 0-1
dataManagementPlan dmp 0-1
contactPoint id 0-1 String containing the identifier of a person or organization
publications publication[] 0-n
grants grant[] 0-n
alternativeNames lang_string[] 0-n


If we can have copyright/license on dataset level, do we want to have it on project level as well?
In any case, it should be computed from the datasets/records.


Do we still need funders if we have grants?


What about projects that do not have funding?


Do we want my proposed attributions field n project?


Should we have an abstract field in the project, like we used to have in the dataset?


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions Remarks
__id string 1
__type string 1 Literal "Dataset"
title string 1 may be auto-generated?
typeOfData string[] 1-n Literal "XML", "Text", "Image", "Video", "Audio" does this still make sense? should it be cardinality 1?
licenses license[] 1-n should be computed from the records
copyright string[] 1-n computed along with license
attributions attribution[] 1-n can this be computed?
howToCite string 0-1 still wanted?
description lang_string 0-1
dateCreated date 0-1


If we think of a dataset as something internal, we should limit the metadata to what is necessary for the system to work.
Additionally, we may want to have some minimal descriptive metadata for the dataset, (like for the use case that a project once a year grabs a box of achrival material and digitizes it).


Do we need to store the license on the dataset level, or can we compute it from the records?
If we store it on the dataset level, how do we deal with datasets that contain records with different licenses?


Do we need to store the language on the dataset level, or can we compute it from the records?
If we store it on the dataset level, how do we deal with datasets that contain records in different languages?


Do we need to store the attribution on the dataset level, or can we compute it from the records?
If we store it on the dataset level, how do we deal with datasets that contain records with different attributions?


Do we need a reference to the records in the dataset?


Does dateCreated suffice here? There were more date properties in the old model.

Data sets arefor internal use, they serve to partition the data into manageable chunks. This is done both by type of data (RDF vs. assets), and by size.

In some cases, there may be a "logical" grouping consisting a dataset, e.g. if data is digitized in a batch and there is a temporal separation between the batches.
In these cases, the project may make use of the descriptive metadata of the dataset. But normally, the dataset is just a technical entity, and should not carry semantic information.


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions Remarks
__id string 1
__type string 1 Literal 'Collection'
name string 1
description string / url 1-n
typeOfData string[] 1-n Literal "XML", "Text", "Image", "Video", "Audio" copied from dataset; does this still make sense?
licenses license[] 1-n copied from dataset; should be computed from the records
copyright string[] 1-n computed along with license
languages lang_string[] 1-n copied from dataset; does this make sense?
attributions attribution[] 1-n copied from dataset; can this be calculated?
provenance string 0-1
distribution url 0-1 copied from dataset; does this make sense?
records id[] 0-n Record IDs can be 0 in case it points to a collection
collections id[] 0-n Collection IDs
alternativeNames lang_string[] 0-n
keywords lang_string[] 0-n does this make sense?
urls url[] 0-n copied from dataset;
additional lang_string / url 0-n copied from dataset;


Do we need a reference to the records in the collection?


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions Remarks
__id string 1
__type string 1 Literal 'Record'
pid id 1 or ARK?
label lang_string 1 do we want this, or does it go too far?
accessConditions string 1 Literal "open", "restricted" or "closed" copied from dataset; change to proper terms
license license 1 copied from dataset; should be computed from the records
copyright string 1 computed along with license
attribution attribution 1 do we want this, or does it go too far?
provenance string 0-1 do we want this, or does it go too far?
datePublished date 0-1 copied from dataset; do they make sense?
dateCreated date 0-1 copied from dataset; do they make sense?
dateModified date 0-1 copied from dataset; do they make sense?
typeOfData string 0-1 Literal "XML", "Text", "Image", "Video", "Audio" copied from dataset; wanted? what values?


How granular do we want to be with the metadata on the record level?


If we have copyright, what is the purpose of attribution?


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions Remarks
__id string 1
__type string 1 Literal 'Person'
givenNames string[] 1-n
familyNames string[] 1-n
jobTitles string[] 0-n
affiliations id[] 0-n Organization IDs
address address 0-1
email string 0-1
secondaryEmail string 0-1
authorityRefs url[] 0-n References to external authority files


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions Remarks
__id string 1
__type string 1 Literal 'Organization'
name string 1
url url 1
address address 0-1
email string 0-1
alternativeName lang_string 0-1
authorityRefs url[] 0-n References to external authority files

Value Types

String with Language Tag (lang_string)

Object with an ISO language code as key and a string as value.

    "en": "Lorem ipsum in English.",
    "de": "Lorem ipsum auf Deutsch."


String with the format YYYY-MM-DD.


An object representing a URL. Depending on the type field, the URL may be a generic URL or a more specific link, like a PID or a reference to a resource in an external authority file.

Field Type Cardinality Restrictions
__type string 1 Literal 'URL'
type string 1 Literal 'URL', 'Geonames', 'Pleiades', 'Skos', 'Periodo', 'Chronontology', 'GND', 'VIAF', 'Grid', 'ORCID', 'Creative Commons', 'DOI', 'ARK'
url string 1
text string 0-1


can we model different types of URLs in a more sensible way?

Data Management Plan (dmp)

Field Type Cardinality Restrictions
__type string 1 Literal 'DataManagementPlan'
available boolean 0-1
url url 0-1


Does the model for Data Management Plan still make sense? Could it be a string? Is "available" useful information? How do we ensure that either available or url is set?


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions
text string 1
url url 0-1


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions
__type string 1 Literal 'Address'
street string 1
postalCode string 1
locality string 1
country string 1
canton string 0-1
additional string 0-1


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions
__type string 1 Literal 'License'
license url 1
date date 1
details string 0-1


Is this model up to date with our current understanding of licenses? Is details ever used? What is the purpose of date here? How does it relate to a copyright statement?


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions Remark
__type string 1 Literal 'Attribution'
agent id 1 Person or Organization ID Or can this only be person?
roles string 1-n


Field Type Cardinality Restrictions
__type string 1 Literal 'Grant'
funders id[] 1-n Person or Organization IDs
number string 0-1
name string 0-1
url url 0-1

Entity-Relationship Diagram

    umbrellaProject |o--|{ project : projects
    project ||--|{ dataset : datasets
    project ||--|| person : contactPoint
    project ||--|| organization : contactPoint
    project ||--|{ person : funders
    project ||--|{ organization : funders
    project |o--|{ collection : collections
    dataset ||--|{ record : records
    collection |o--o{ collection : collections
    collection |o--o{ record : records
    person ||--|{ organization : affiliations

    umbrellaProject {
        string __id "1"
        string __type "1; Literal 'UmbrellaProject'"
        string name "1"
        id[] projects "1-n; Project IDs"
        lang_string description "0-1"
        lang_string[] alternativeNames "0-n"
        url url "0-1"
        id contactPoint "0-1"
        id[] institutionalPartner "0-n; Organization IDs"

    project {
        string __id "1"
        string __type "1; Literal 'Project'"
        string shortcode "1"
        string status "1; Literal 'Ongoing', 'Finished'"
        string name "1"
        lang_string description "1"
        date startDate "1"
        string teaserText "1"
        url url "1"
        string howToCite "1"
        id[] datasets "1-n; Dataset IDs"
        lang_string[] keywords "1-n"
        lang_string_or_url[] disciplines "1-n"
        lang_string_or_url[] temporalCoverage "1-n"
        url[] spatialCoverage "1-n"
        id[] funders "1-n; Person or Organization IDs"
        attribution[] attributions "1-n"
        date endDate "0-1"
        url secondaryURL "0-1"
        dmp dataManagementPlan "0-1"
        id contactPoint "0-1"
        publication[] publications "0-n"
        grant[] grants "0-n"
        lang_string[] alternativeNames "0-n"

    dataset {
        string __id "1"
        string __type "1; Literal 'Dataset'"
        string title "1"
        string[] typeOfData "1-n; Literal 'XML', 'Text', 'Image', 'Video', 'Audio'"
        license[] licenses "1-n"
        string[] copyright "1-n"
        attribution[] attributions "1-n"
        string howToCite "0-1"
        lang_string description "0-1"
        date dateCreated "0-1"

    collection {
        string __id "1"
        string __type "1; Literal 'Collection'"
        string name "1"
        string accessConditions "1; Literal 'open', 'restricted' or 'closed'"
        string provenance "0-1"
        date datePublished "0-1"
        date dateCreated "0-1"
        date dateModified "0-1"
        url distribution "0-1"
        id[] records "0-n; Record IDs"
        id[] collections "0-n; Collection IDs"
        lang_string[] alternativeNames "0-n"
        lang_string[] keywords "0-n"
        url[] urls "0-n"
        lang_string_or_url[] additional "0-n"
        lang_string_or_url[] description "1-n"
        string[] typeOfData "1-n; Literal 'XML', 'Text', 'Image', 'Video', 'Audio'"
        license[] licenses "1-n"
        string[] copyright "1-n"
        lang_string[] languages "1-n"
        attribution[] attributions "1-n"

    record {
        string __id "1"
        string __type "1; Literal 'Record'"
        string pid "1"
        lang_string label "1"
        string accessConditions "1; Literal 'open', 'restricted' or 'closed'"
        license license "1"
        string copyright "1"
        attribution attribution "1"
        string provenance "0-1"
        date datePublished "0-1"
        date dateCreated "0-1"
        date dateModified "0-1"
        string typeOfData "0-1; Literal 'XML', 'Text', 'Image', 'Video', 'Audio'"

    person {
        string __id "1"
        string __type "1; Literal 'Person'"
        string[] givenNames "1-n"
        string[] familyNames "1-n"
        string[] jobTitles "0-n"
        id[] affiliations "0-n; Organization IDs"
        address address "0-1"
        string email "0-1"
        string secondaryEmail "0-1"
        url[] authorityRefs "0-n"

    organization {
        string __id "1"
        string __type "1; Literal 'Organization'"
        string name "1"
        url url "1"
        address address "0-1"
        string email "0-1"
        lang_string alternativeName "0-1"
        url[] authorityRefs "0-n"

Change Log

  • Make Grant a value type and remove it from the top level.
  • Added entity umbrellaProject to the top level.
  • Added entity collection to the top level.
  • Added entity record to the top level.
  • Added copyright to dataset.
  • Changed type of abstract/description in dataset to lang_string.
  • Changed cardinality of abstract/description in dataset to 1.
  • Changed cardinality of howToCite in dataset to 0-1.
  • Changed cardinality of description in dataset to 0-1.
  • Removed accessConditions from dataset.
  • Removed status from dataset.
  • Renamed abstract to description in dataset.
  • Removed languages from dataset.
  • Removed datePublished, and dateModified from dataset.
  • Removed distribution from dataset.
  • Removed additional from dataset.
  • Removed alternativeTitles from dataset.
  • Removed urls from dataset.