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Returning a JSON-LD Response

Each API response is represented by a message class that extends KnoraJsonLDResponseV2, which has a method toJsonLDDocument that specifies the target ontology schema. The implementation of this method constructs a JsonLDDocument, in which all object keys are full IRIs (no prefixes are used), but in which the JSON-LD context also specifies the prefixes that will be used when the document is returned to the client. The function JsonLDUtil.makeContext is a convenient way to construct the JSON-LD context.

Since toJsonLDDocument has to return an object that uses the specified ontology schema, the recommended design is to separate schema conversion as much as possible from JSON-LD generation. As a first step, schema conversion (or at the very least, the conversion of Knora type IRIs to the target schema) can be done via an implementation of KnoraReadV2:

  * A trait for read wrappers that can convert themselves to external schemas.
  * @tparam C the type of the read wrapper that extends this trait.
trait KnoraReadV2[C <: KnoraReadV2[C]] {
    this: C =>
    def toOntologySchema(targetSchema: ApiV2Schema): C

This means that the response message class has the method toOntologySchema, which returns a copy of the same message, with Knora type IRIs (and perhaps other content) adjusted for the target schema. (See Smart IRIs on how to convert Knora type IRIs to the target schema.)

The response message class could then have a private method called generateJsonLD, which generates a JsonLDDocument that has the correct structure for the target schema, like this:

private def generateJsonLD(targetSchema: ApiV2Schema, settings: KnoraSettingsImpl, schemaOptions: Set[SchemaOption]): JsonLDDocument

This way, the implementation of toJsonLDDocument can call toOntologySchema, then construct a JsonLDDocument from the resulting object. For example:

    override def toJsonLDDocument(targetSchema: ApiV2Schema, settings: KnoraSettingsImpl, schemaOptions: Set[SchemaOption] = Set.empty): JsonLDDocument = {
            targetSchema = targetSchema,
            settings = settings,
            schemaOptions = schemaOptions

Selecting the Response Schema

Most routes complete by calling RouteUtilV2.runRdfRouteWithFuture, which calls the response message's toJsonLDDocument method. The runRdfRouteWithFuture function has a parameter that enables the route to select the schema that should be used in the response. It is up to each route to determine what the appropriate response schema should be. Some routes support only one response schema. Others allow the client to choose. To use the schema requested by the client, the route can call RouteUtilV2.getOntologySchema:

    requestMessageF = requestMessageFuture,
    requestContext = requestContext,
    settings = settings,
    responderManager = responderManager,
    log = log,
    targetSchema = targetSchema,
    schemaOptions = schemaOptions

If the route only supports one schema, it can specify the schema directly instead:

    requestMessageF = requestMessageFuture,
    requestContext = requestContext,
    settings = settings,
    responderManager = responderManager,
    log = log,
    targetSchema = ApiV2Complex,
    schemaOptions = RouteUtilV2.getSchemaOptions(requestContext)

Generating Other RDF Formats

RouteUtilV2.runRdfRouteWithFuture implements HTTP content negotiation. After determining the client's preferred format, it asks the KnoraResponseV2 to convert itself into that format. KnoraResponseV2 has an abstract format method, whose implementations select the most efficient conversion between the response message's internal representation (which could be JSON-LD or Turtle) and the requested format.